Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has put forth legislation that would restore Trump-era policy and force gray wolves everywhere across the U.S. to go without needed protections. Wolves in California, Washington, Colorado, and across the Midwest would lose Endangered Species Act protections and worse–the bill prevents judicial review. This means, no courts could reverse this dangerous law. It’s anti-science and anti-democratic.

Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is pushing a bill with a narrower but no-less-deadly focus. Her legislation would require the Administration to abandon gray wolves’ protections in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan.

You may remember that the last time Senator Baldwin’s home state of Wisconsin was entrusted with wolves, they set a hunting and trapping season which went wildly over their “quota” and was closed in just days. Hundreds of wolves were killed in just days by some of the most gruesome methods imaginable. Wisconsin is alone in permitting the use of packs of dogs to chase wolves to their violent end. This is what Senator Baldwin’s bill would ultimately permit.

Lawmakers meddling in conservation is a frequent problem that Senator Baldwin and Representative Boebert are continuing. Scientists and biologists who should make these decisions are being ignored by those offices in favor of special interest groups that are definitely not seeking preservation of this maligned species.

Please email your representative and both senators today and ask that they oppose these reckless bills.

1 comment on “Action: Stop Legislation to Strip Gray Wolves of Endangered Species Act Protections

  1. Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has put forth legislation that would restore Trump-era policy and force gray wolves everywhere across the U.S. to go without needed protections. Wolves in California, Washington, Colorado, and across the Midwest would lose Endangered Species Act protections and worse–the bill prevents judicial review. This means, no courts could reverse this dangerous law. It’s anti-science and anti-democratic.

    Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is pushing a bill with a narrower but no-less-deadly focus. Her legislation would require the Administration to abandon gray wolves’ protections in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan.

    You may remember that the last time Senator Baldwin’s home state of Wisconsin was entrusted with wolves, they set a hunting and trapping season which went wildly over their “quota” and was closed in just days. Hundreds of wolves were killed in just days by some of the most gruesome methods imaginable. Wisconsin is alone in permitting the use of packs of dogs to chase wolves to their violent end. This is what Senator Baldwin’s bill would ultimately permit.

    Save our wolves.
    Stop the slaughter.
    Stop favoring special interests.
    Protect our environment.

    Lawmakers meddling in conservation is a frequent problem that Senator Baldwin and Representative Boebert are continuing. Scientists and biologists who should make these decisions are being ignored by those offices in favor of special interest groups that are definitely not seeking preservation of this maligned species

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