Why I Hunt: Thoughts from a Wolf-Loving, Elk-Killing Tree Hugger

This is a guest post from David Stalling’s blog From The Wild Side. David Stalling is a writer and advocate living in Missoula, Montana.

“When the buffalo are gone, we will hunt mice, for we are hunters and we want our freedom.” — Chief Sitting Bull, Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, 1831-1890.

I’m a wolf-loving tree hugger and I hunt. I kill and eat wild elk.

Does this seem contradictory? It’s not if you consider our Nation’s conservation heritage, and see that most of our conservation heroes–including Theodore Roosevelt (who created national forests and wildlife refuges), Aldo Leopold (author of the conservation classic, “A Sand County Almanac“) and Olaus J. Murie (founder of The Wilderness Society)–were all hunters.

I can understand people’s disdain for hunting. As Edward Abbey (himself a hunter) once wrote, “Hunting is one of the hardest things even to think about. Such a storm of conflicting emotion!” I can’t speak for all hunters, but will try and explain why I choose to hunt.

Photo courtesy David Stalling

I love elk. They are a magnificent, mysterious and powerful animal. I spend all the time I can in elk country, year-round, hiking, backpacking, backcountry skiing and snowshoeing, observing and admiring elk. And yet, each year during bowseason I head into elk country with the intent to kill one. Why? Partly because I can think of no more ecologically-sound way to live in my part of the world. I cherish wild elk meat; it’s healthy, and it’s derived from healthy, native grasses and forbs in the wilderness near my home.

I like to think I’m a vegetarian of sorts, living off the the wild grasses, sedges and forbs that grow near my home. Most these plants are not directly palatable to humans, so I let elk convert them to protein for me. Perhaps someday I can travel through the digestive system of a grizzly and fertilize the vegetation that elk eat: Seems only fair considering all the elk I’ve killed and eaten.

We’re all part of this land.

I hunt to experience and celebrate a fundamental connection with nature, because we must all kill to eat, and eating elk nourished on native grasses and forbs has as low an impact on the environment as any of the alternatives. Even eating soybeans and soy-based products supports an agricultural industry that displaces and destroys wildlife habitat to grow a non-native plant, requiring irrigation, pesticides, herbicides, fossil fuels, trucks, roads and industry to be shipped around the country. Not to mention the thousands of deer and other wildlife killed to protect valuable agricultural crops. Most people are not aware of the impacts of their lifestyles and actions, or they choose to live in denial. Aldo Leopold wrote: “There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.”

We all kill to eat.

Everything we do has consequences. Whether we choose to eat vegetables or meat, store-bought food or homegrown, cattle or venison, we all contribute to the death of animals so we can eat. I choose to eat the wild meat of elk, mule deer and antelope. And the money I spend in pursuit of these wild animals, through license fees and excise taxes on hunting equipment, helps protect the wild places that sustain them and sustain me. It’s the most efficient, environmentally sound and sustainable way I know to live in this somewhat arid western landscape we call Montana. And the countless days and hours I spend pursuing elk and mule deer through the rugged mountains in the wilderness area where I hunt have provided me with a keen understanding and awareness of these incredible animals and their habitat, which has fueled a passion for the protection of wild elk, deer and other wildlife, and the wild places they roam.

North America’s system of wildlife management, of which regulated hunting is an integral part, is a tremendous achievement. The value of wild elk and deer to hunters supports the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat for an array and abundance of wildlife, including large predators and threatened and endangered species, and supports ecologically-based research and management. It’s a sustainable system that gives many hunters a stake in wildlife, and fuels public understanding and concern for conservation. Read more…

5 comments on “Why I Hunt: Thoughts from a Wolf-Loving, Elk-Killing Tree Hugger

  1. hunting has turned into an orgy and we know it, most of you over kill, for reasons known only to you….it,s calked SICK………..hey come down to python land, and do some profitable killing down here, you fool !!

    1. that is the most ignorant statement I have heard in a long time. From all the hunters…you are welcome for the millions of dollars of conservation we provide for you to protect the areas and the animals we love.

    2. Killing a beautiful innocent animal cannot be classed as a sport. Ask the question would it be a sport if the Elk had the gun.

  2. This is an articulate and wonderful piece. This attitude is what all hunters should strive for…respect. For the hunted animals and for the ecosystems they live in. Sadly, it can go wrong when one species…like wolves…is demonized and killed to increase the incomes from fees and hunting licenses.

  3. This hurting attitude must be why the buffalo (bison) population went from 30 million to 1,000 over a 10 year period in the 1860’s.

    Why not leave some of these beautiful animals for the natives, for posterity, for naturalists, and for the animals themselves.

    The Buddhists say that every being is sovereign in its own sphere. To go into that sphere and harm another being sets your karma back many centuries or more.
    (Colon cancer from too much red meat consumption could be just the beginning of your bad karma).

    Anyway, I hope you can try meditation sometime instead of murder?

    Your soul will be more at peace and no rationalization of your activities will be necessary.

    Signed, The Sphere

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