Congress is back in their home states and the country’s attention is focused on the upcoming elections. But that doesn’t mean wolves are safe. State governments are setting their policies and in the Northern Rockies, that means more killing.
Wyoming and Idaho have rightfully received much of the recent attention for their gruesome wolf killing programs. The number of wolves in Idaho dropped by more than 10 percent last year–and the state intends to kill as many as 60 percent of its wolves–leaving just 500 in the whole state.
In Wyoming, wolves can be killed without limit in 85 percent of the state. These pro-killing policies encouraged the recent torture and killing of a wolf in that state. Her brutal death at the hands of a snowmobile rider who paraded her around a local pub before killing her behind the establishment may finally lead to a ban on intentionally killing animals with snowmobiles. But there is an enormous amount of resistance to that change and work to be done to achieve it.
Montana has done little to discourage similar intolerance and killing and is proposing allowing up to 334 wolves to be killed in the coming year, an increase of two dozen over last year.
Our Montana Representative is working to protect wolves everywhere but the immediate need is keeping wolves safe around Yellowstone National Park. Last winter, 13 wolves were killed and three of Yellowstone’s 11 packs were torn apart.These wolves are national treasures who draw visitors from around the globe.
The Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park recently asked1 the state of Montana to do more to keep wolves safe when they cross the invisible border and step out of the park. We are asking Montana to do even more to keep Yellowstone wolves safe and organizing supporters to pressure Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission to act. Yellowstone’s wolves–all wolves–deserve to live wild lives free of the gruesome threats of neck snares, indiscriminate traps, and trophy hunters.
Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.

Susan Holmes
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
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1 comment on “We can stop the killing of Yellowstone’s wolves”
This killing must be stopped . They’re part of the eco system. Pull your head out of your butt,and do something to these people. We are the voice of these precious animals.