Statement of Endangered Species Coalition on Today’s Announcement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Deny Federal Protections to Gray Wolves in the Northern Rockies

For Immediate Release: February 2, 2024
Contact: Derek Goldman, [email protected]
Susan Holmes, [email protected]

Statement of Endangered Species Coalition on Today’s Announcement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Deny Federal Protections to Gray Wolves in the Northern Rockies

Missoula, Mont.–In response to numerous petitions filed more than two years ago, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced that it has declined to reinstate Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in the Northern Rockies. The Coalition issued the following statement:

“We are disappointed that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is refusing to hold the states accountable to wolf conservation commitments they made a decade ago,” said Susan Holmes, Executive Director for the Endangered Species Coalition. “In the years since wolves were delisted, Idaho and Montana have enacted increasingly aggressive wolf-killing measures, including trapping, snaring, 11-month-long seasons and more, all of which threaten to roll back one of America’s greatest wildlife restoration achievements.”

The Endangered Species Coalition supports the proposed development of a national Wolf Recovery Plan, and we look forward to engaging in that process.


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17 comments on “Statement of Endangered Species Coalition on Today’s Announcement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Deny Federal Protections to Gray Wolves in the Northern Rockies

  1. The Fish and Wildlidfe Service are very confused or corrupt, maybe both! President Biden will get a letter from me and a lot more on removing the current corrupt Fish and Wildlife Service that’s destroying our beautiful Country and everything in it!

    1. To these “Hitlers” I say: What the f*** is wrong with you sick, cruel, evil people that you can actually commit such ugly, evil acts of torture to innocent animals. These wolves (all animals) feel pain and terror. Put yourself in their place; how would you feel being bound and tortured. You people are so evil. If you can do this to an innocent animal, you are capable of doing this to a child. I pray that all animals be kept safe from you. And I pray that karma and justice catch up to you. Karma is real and it works differently – it might not impact you, but maybe someone you care about deeply. When that happens, think about your evil acts. I cried as I wrote this. I wish I had not opened this email.

    2. That man deserves to be treated the same: mouth taped shut, ran behind a snowmobile until he falls down passed out. Then paraded around for hours. Then executed the same as the wolf , promising the same execution for anyone ‘harming a wolf. LSM of Arkansas

  2. I support the Endangered Species Coalition. What’s wrong with These people decimating a beautiful and important species, wolves. I say more wolves less arrogant people!

  3. This is completely outrageous, ignorant and motivated by anti environmental sentiments in the legislative bodies of certain states. Wolves are essential to the life of a healthy environment.
    Reversing and delisting of wolf protections is a slap in the face to efforts of rebalancing this ecosystem we have so callously destroyed. The pressures of a few are destructive to the wishes of us all.

  4. It’s about time we had a national recovery plan. In fact we need a bi-national recovery plan. Wolf recolonization in the northeast is dependent on allowing wolves in Canada to live and then not killing them when they get here.

  5. This is unbelievable. Decision made by the uninformed, Biden being one of them. Why has there been a continual attempt to destroy our wolf population? The wolves need to roam and colonize ! Let the wolves be who they are… nature!

  6. This is despicably evil and wrong they are a part of the Ecosystem without them we are Dead! It’s there Duty to Protect Grey Wolves!Peggy Smith from Corbin Kentucky

  7. This decision is truly horrific. What are they thinking to murder our wolves. The secretary of the Interior is a complete disappointment and an insult to her ancestral roots. To condone this is a dangerous precedent and giving in to the farmers etc. is sickening. This country is going downhill fast.

    1. “The secretary of the Interior is a complete disappointment and an insult to her ancestral roots.” I totally agree with you, Regina.

  8. It’s heartbreaking and frustrating (understatement of the decade) that the research of scientists and conservationists are meeting deaf ears with regards to protecting wolves. I live in Canada so donating to US non-profits is expensive. But I wanted to let you know that you have outstanding record on Charity Navigator ( and suggest you might include that in fundraising communications. It makes a big difference to me and likely to other that: 1) you issue charitable receipts 2) you’re responsible with how you spend those funds. Thank you for all that you’re doing, in spite of the odds, and seeming brick wall you’re trying to get through. Your efforts are inspiring to us all. Please don’t give up.

  9. Unfortunately, here in Canada wolves also do not get the protection they deserve. The government of British Columbia contracts out mass wolf killings which is done by shooting families of wolves from a helicopter. Sometimes one family member is left alive and is collared to serve as a so-called Judas wolf to lead wolf killers to more wolves. The wolves are blamed for killing endangered caribou whereas it is human destruction of caribou habitat which is the real cause of the steep population declines in many caribou herds. Government refuses to acknowledge this truth.

    1. I also live in Canada and am just outraged by the lack of protection for these wolves. I wonder how a human would endure to have his whole family “wiped” out because of government lies. This is just disgraceful.

    1. Government is a form of organized crime – money always speaks the loudest no matter what the issues.

  10. That Cody Roberts who ran down that sweet female wolf and then taped her mouth shut, paraded her around and then killed her and skinned her needs to have the same thing done to him!!!

  11. Animal Torture Of Any Kind Is EVIL!! It IS Horrendous. It has to STOP!
    These sick evil putrid excuses for human beings are a danger to society & All Animals,, they need to be locked in a cage & left to suffer.

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