Entangled North Atlantic right whale and calf, credit Georgia DNR

Statement from Endangered Species Coalition Executive Director, Leda Huta on the right whale policy rider added by Senate Democrats to the omnibus funding budget.

In a gift to a dying Maine lobster industry, Senate Democrats led by Chuck Schumer and Patrick Leahy condemned North Atlantic right whales to more entanglements with fishing gear, more prolonged suffering, and likely extinction. In the midst of a biodiversity crisis, this betrayal and backroom dealing is particularly horrific. Schumer and Leahy should be more concerned with the world we are leaving our children than with whatever political deal they dragged the country into.”

Leda Huta, Executive Director Endangered Species Coalition

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2 comments on “Senate Democrats Condemn Right Whale to Extinction

  1. What happened to the Democrats who cared?? We have some, but the old, angry powerful wheeler and dealers ride high from Lobbyist for Stock Producers and large fishery industries. I am tired of Biden and Schumer! Please animals lovers, support companionate scientists (progressives?) at next primaries. If there are any wolves, grizzlies or Right Whales left we might save them, and us humans!

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