Endangered Species Coalition (ESC) Values

ESC staff updated our shared organizational values over the course of a staff retreat in 2021. After a thorough discussion, we selected the values that were most important to us. A team of staff worked together to fully articulate what these values mean to us and how we operationalize them as an organization and as individuals. Below are the core values that we practice, uphold, and reward at ESC. 

If you work for a member group and would like to learn more about our process, including how we operationalize these values, please reach out to [email protected].


We build trust by ensuring personal responsibility. We operate ethically and hold ourselves accountable to each other, our member groups, the conservation community, and our mission. This requires that we evaluate our work’s impact and that we communicate openly and honestly, creating a feedback-rich environment.


We are passionate about our work, mission, and values. And we seek to maintain high standards in achieving our goals while simultaneously, ensuring the quality of life of our staff. That high standard includes ensuring that the principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are central throughout our work.


We work together as a team internally, as well as with our member groups, allies, and the broader conservation movement. Seeking opportunities to build and amplify our partnerships and the work we do together is foundational to many of our campaigns and projects. In fact, we see it as part of our mission to unify our member groups and magnify their work in order to build a strong movement with lasting impact.

People Power

We believe the potential of people is limitless and bringing individuals together around a shared goal is the most powerful tool for change. By supporting, uniting, and empowering all peoples in support of our mission, while also encouraging and celebrating differences, we ensure that voices are heard and the impact of those voices is felt. We particularly seek to ensure that BIPOC, low-income, and other marginalized communities have a platform to make their voices heard on biodiversity.


We are invested in the well-being of all that exists around us: planet, environment, plants, wildlife, and all humans. We believe that to make the world better, we must take into account the needs of all living beings and make personal and organizational choices for the greater good of the planet. We see it as our duty to ensure our resiliency and provide the tools to facilitate our personal and professional development. 


We approach our work with a spirit of innovation and experimentation. Protecting endangered and threatened species requires an open mindset and approach to allow optimal approaches. We are proud to bring new voices, tools, and practices to the conservation movement.