August Stop Extinction Challenge

Take the August Recess Challenge to Stop Extinction

In the midst of our planet’s 6th major extinction, scientists estimate that we are losing dozens of unique and diverse species each day. The Endangered Species Act is a backstop against this wave of extinction and has prevented 99 percent of the species under its care from going extinct.

Unfortunately, Congress is considering legislation that could radically weaken this bedrock conservation law. Congress needs to know that Americans do not support these efforts. By taking the Stop Extinction Challenge, you can help to protect the Endangered Species Act and the plants, fish, and animals it protects.


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[spacer height=”20px”]An astounding 24 bills attacking the Endangered Species Act (ESA) have already been introduced to the House of Representatives and Senate this session. Included among them are bills to legislatively delist wolves in as many as four states, slash funding for recovery programs, and even to turn listing decisions over to politicians at the state level instead of scientists.

The August Stop Extinction Challenge will help to stop these bills and allow you to take your advocacy for wildlife to the next level. There are also cool prizes if you complete each step!

The first step is to meet with your senator or representative or their staff.

Meet with your senator or representative

When congressional staff members are asked, they will tell you that one of the most effective ways to help shape the outcome of legislation is to meet in person with the congressperson or their staff. While calls, emails, and tweets are very important, the act of physically voicing your concerns reigns supreme.

Members of the House and Senate will be home in their states and districts for at least the last two weeks of August. This is our collective opportunity to stop these bills and keep the Endangered Species Act intact. Please take the first step in the August Stop Extinction Challenge and send an email to the local 


Even if you are unable to make a scheduled meeting, you can still make your voice heard during the Stop Extinction Challenge!

Click the button below to find your nearest congressional office or town hall and make a plan to stop in. If it is a town hall, you just need to ask the congressperson if they will commit to opposing bills that weaken the Endangered Species Act. If you are walking into an office, you can bring some materials with you and tell the person at the desk that you support the Endangered Species Act and that you expect them to as well.

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To prepare you for your meeting–whether it’s scheduled with a staffer or a walk-in visit– we have created materials you can download and read or bring with you to leave with the office. 

Download these to read | Download these to print 

The second step in the stop extinction challenge is to call your senators.

The third step is to post to your senators’ Facebook page or tweet to them.





Wolf in Yellowstone in snowy environment with forested background
Help Stop Extinction

Protect endangered species

Your gift helps the Endangered Species Coalition protect wolves and other endangered species from the growing threats of habitat loss, climate change, and over exploitation.